Hi All,
Big old update this time around!
First of all, huge congratulations to everyone that won the Spooktacular. Finger Eater: Contract was fantastic and really deserved to win! You can watch my entry here, if you're so enclined.
The ever brilliant dylan is running an Animation Jam this weekend! He's announcing the details tonight and I'm hoping to take part, I plan to stream all my progress in one marathon stream on my Twitch Channel too, so if you're interested then make sure to check that out!
I'm working on a little animation for Christmas, probably to be released at the beginning of December so I don't have to compete with the big wigs haha! It's quite short, a little bit grim but hopefully pretty funny. Comedy isn't my forté but hopefully you guys enjoy it, here's a gif of a little bit I've done so far:
There won't really be any little animations after the Christmas one, and that's for one reason. The fantastic Mattokamus has written a really funny Minecraft song about a man that falls in love with a pig (of course) and I'll be making an animated music video for it! This is a huge undertaking and will take up all of my spare time leading up until Valentine's Day. I probably won't be streaming it as I work faster offline, so things may be a little quiet. Never feat though, the end result will be pretty spectacular (I hope).
I think that's it, thanks for sticking around 'till the end of this little ramble. Speak to you all again soon!
Big love, LinkTCOne