Hi, I'm Matthew Fryer (LinkTCOne). I'm an animator living in Basingstoke with my partner and cat. Currently I work as a Graphic/Motion Artist, but I animate and create film in my spare time. Thanks for stopping by!

Age 32, Male


University of Winchester

Basingstoke, UK

Joined on 2/18/13

Exp Points:
1,032 / 1,110
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2y 4m 27d

LinkTCOne's News

Posted by LinkTCOne - December 21st, 2015

Hi guys!

So I've got some super news, today I finished the storyboard for my next big project, it's been approved and is ready to go. For those who are new, I'm working on a Minecraft Animation for a song a friend of mine Mattokamus wrote.

It's a silly song about Valentine's Day and a certain forbidden love, hehehe. I'll say no more except it's gonna be rude, lude, shrude, crude and written by a dude.

Sneaky peeky:


It's going to be released on Valentine's Day, or around thereabouts so it means until then there probably won't be anymore animations, unless I'm struck with an uncontrollable urge to quit my job and animate instead.


Ok great. I'm excited. Let's do it.


Big Love

LinkTCOne xx

Posted by LinkTCOne - December 1st, 2015

It's the start of the Christmas Season, and here's an animation from the worlds best dad 2015.

Big Love,



Posted by LinkTCOne - November 20th, 2015

Hi All,

Big old update this time around!


First of all, huge congratulations to everyone that won the Spooktacular. Finger Eater: Contract was fantastic and really deserved to win! You can watch my entry here, if you're so enclined.


The ever brilliant dylan is running an Animation Jam this weekend! He's announcing the details tonight and I'm hoping to take part, I plan to stream all my progress in one marathon stream on my Twitch Channel too, so if you're interested then make sure to check that out!


I'm working on a little animation for Christmas, probably to be released at the beginning of December so I don't have to compete with the big wigs haha! It's quite short, a little bit grim but hopefully pretty funny. Comedy isn't my forté but hopefully you guys enjoy it, here's a gif of a little bit I've done so far:



There won't really be any little animations after the Christmas one, and that's for one reason. The fantastic Mattokamus has written a really funny Minecraft song about a man that falls in love with a pig (of course) and I'll be making an animated music video for it! This is a huge undertaking and will take up all of my spare time leading up until Valentine's Day. I probably won't be streaming it as I work faster offline, so things may be a little quiet. Never feat though, the end result will be pretty spectacular (I hope).

I think that's it, thanks for sticking around 'till the end of this little ramble. Speak to you all again soon!

Big love, LinkTCOne


Posted by LinkTCOne - October 23rd, 2015

I've finished my submission for the Spooktacular, this is volume two, but you can watch it without seeing the first one. No worries. Remember to click through and vote if you like it!



Posted by LinkTCOne - October 23rd, 2015

Hi All!

My submission for the Newgrounds Spooktacular is here, you can watch it below! It doesn't seem to be doing to well at the moment though, sitting at just above 3 stars. Why not have a look and leave a review? If you don't like it, that's cool to ;)

Thanks everyone!



Posted by LinkTCOne - October 18th, 2015

Both my films, Mamihlapinatapai and Bite Sized Horror V.1 have been selected for the long-list for the Winchester Short Film Festival!

We find out the short-list in the next few days, and if you haven't seen either animation yet, you can view both below:

Big love, LinkTCOne.


Posted by LinkTCOne - October 6th, 2015

Wow! So I log onto Newgrounds this morning to check if there's any new reviews to find I've almost doubled my followers! I check the front page and see this lovely thing:


First off, I want to say what a lovely thing for Newgrounds to do! It's stuff like this that makes for such a lovely community. The creators of this site actively engage with their audience, and that's something you rarely see on the internet any more!

So to Newgrounds, thankyou! To my followers, thankyou! to my new followers, WELCOME! Here's a little rundown of my page:


I try to upload every couple of weeks with an animation, and any scribbles I do I pop up on the art page. Mostly I animate short dramas (I've dabbled in some Horror animations too - in preperation for the Spooktacular, see this post for details) but I've been drifting more towards comedy lately, I guess because I've been having a pretty shit time in my private life and I figured I need to laugh more, and if other people giggle at my silly shit too - then all the better.

As such I made this short about Hangman.


And of course, this one about Pokemon, which is probably the one that brought you here.



That's pretty much it, I also upload the occasional piece of 'art' if you can call it that, feel free to check that out.

So, big thanks to all the new followers and to everone who has faithfully followed me over the past few years too! the next big project will be my animation for the Spooktacular, which should be out around October 20th if all goes well. If you like you can watch me stream some of the progress over on Twitch. I'll be doing that tonight and I always tweet out when I'm going to stream so follow me on Twitter to make sure you know when I'm going live!

Love to you all!

Matt [LinkTCOne]

Posted by LinkTCOne - October 5th, 2015

Hi guys,

So I'm making Bite Sized Horror Vol. 2 for the Newgrounds Spooktacular! If you haven't seen Vol.1 then you can do, here. Or watch below at the bottom of this post.

I've started work on it and I have four/five stories that I'd like to complete. This time I'm going to give them one word titles instead of numbers in order to give a clearer idea about what they're about. Here's a gif from the first one. Hopefully I should be finished in a couple of weeks!


And here's Vol.1 of Bite Sized Horror



Posted by LinkTCOne - October 2nd, 2015

Hey guys!


Because Newgrounds is 'da bomb' I'm releasing this here before Youtube. Having said that, make sure to subscribe to my Youtube for Behind the Scenes and other stuff!




Posted by LinkTCOne - September 30th, 2015

My Pokemon animation is a few days away from completion! I've got a great musician on board - who has done a bit of stuff with the Yogscast, and animation is coming along really well, here's a gif to whet your whistle.

Tonight I'll be recording a lipsync in Adobe Flash Tutorial, once it's uploaded I'll link it here to see if it's useful to anyone.


Big Love
