Wow! So I log onto Newgrounds this morning to check if there's any new reviews to find I've almost doubled my followers! I check the front page and see this lovely thing:

First off, I want to say what a lovely thing for Newgrounds to do! It's stuff like this that makes for such a lovely community. The creators of this site actively engage with their audience, and that's something you rarely see on the internet any more!
So to Newgrounds, thankyou! To my followers, thankyou! to my new followers, WELCOME! Here's a little rundown of my page:
I try to upload every couple of weeks with an animation, and any scribbles I do I pop up on the art page. Mostly I animate short dramas (I've dabbled in some Horror animations too - in preperation for the Spooktacular, see this post for details) but I've been drifting more towards comedy lately, I guess because I've been having a pretty shit time in my private life and I figured I need to laugh more, and if other people giggle at my silly shit too - then all the better.
As such I made this short about Hangman.
And of course, this one about Pokemon, which is probably the one that brought you here.
That's pretty much it, I also upload the occasional piece of 'art' if you can call it that, feel free to check that out.
So, big thanks to all the new followers and to everone who has faithfully followed me over the past few years too! the next big project will be my animation for the Spooktacular, which should be out around October 20th if all goes well. If you like you can watch me stream some of the progress over on Twitch. I'll be doing that tonight and I always tweet out when I'm going to stream so follow me on Twitter to make sure you know when I'm going live!
Love to you all!
Matt [LinkTCOne]