Hi, I'm Matthew Fryer (LinkTCOne). I'm an animator living in Basingstoke with my partner and cat. Currently I work as a Graphic/Motion Artist, but I animate and create film in my spare time. Thanks for stopping by!

Age 32, Male


University of Winchester

Basingstoke, UK

Joined on 2/18/13

Exp Points:
1,032 / 1,110
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5.23 votes
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2y 4m 27d

LinkTCOne's News

Posted by LinkTCOne - September 28th, 2015

Hi All,

I've been hitting a bit of a brickwall animation wise. I've lost all motivation for my big projects, and I barely find time to work on them anyway. So, I'm afraid BECCA is going to be put on hiatus for a while until I find some more time/motivation to work on it. 

Instead I'll be working on smaller projects (like Hangman and others) as well as some fanimation stuff for the Yogscast. So there'll still be content coming out  but no big projects for a while until I get my head together!


Thanks again, everyone! Here's a piece of fanart for Trials of Skobbels.



Posted by LinkTCOne - September 16th, 2015

Sorry things have been a bit quiet since Hangman - I've got a few client projects that need finishing up, on top of that I've got to get Emma's Birthday present ready and we're converting the loft into a study at the moment so it's all a bit hectic!

Getting BECCA out for the Spooktacular is seeming ever more doubtful, however I'm still going to aim for at least an October release - that might be the next animation up though - I doub there'll be much in the mean time.



Posted by LinkTCOne - September 7th, 2015

Wow! My little animation H_ngm_n got my first ever Daily Feature! Thanks everyone who voted, you can check out the film here:


Posted by LinkTCOne - August 26th, 2015

I'm making a sting for E4Stings2015. Basically it's a competition in the UK where you design a ten second animation using E4's music and logo (E4 is a television channel). That's is, no other rules, the top 16 get on telly and the one which gets the most votes then wins five grand!

I made some progress last night on the stream and will be finishing it tonight, so follow me here on Twitch to be notified when I go live. In the mean time here's a gif from last nights progress!



Posted by LinkTCOne - August 24th, 2015

So I've had a really busy weekend and didn't manage to get much animating done for BECCA. However, I have made a few of the backgrounds which I'll share below! 






Posted by LinkTCOne - August 20th, 2015

I've finished the storyboard for BECCA my next animation and will be working on backgrounds this week 0 hopefully I'll be streaming some of the progress so make sure to check that out.

After much deliberation I've decided to build this animation in Flash - for those who don't know I intended to use Photoshop/TVPaint for the first time) the reason being I'd like to submit this film for the Spooktacular 2015 and I don't have time to learn new software for this project - so I'm sticking with the old faithful for now.

In seperate news my Portfolio Website is live and I'd love some feedback on its functionality  - it isn't working for Tablet/Phone yet - so Desktop feedback only please!

Let's see, what else... I think that's about it for now, I'll check in again once I've made a little progress on the animation, and hopefully I'll be streaming some of it this weekend depending on my other plans.



Big Love.


PS. Here's a test shot from BECCA.


Posted by LinkTCOne - August 12th, 2015

So Bite-Sized Horror Vol. 1 seemed to do pretty well! No feature/medals this time, but that's fine, I had a great time making it. So much so, in fact, that my next project is going to be a horror animation too! I'm going to aim to get this one finished in time for the Spooktacular!

It's based around another two sentence horror story, however this time I'm going to make it into a fully blown animation - and I'm going to be making it in Photoshop or TVPaint for the first time ever! Which is kind of worrying but I'm sure it'll be fine...maybe.

Anyway here's some preliminary sketches!




Big love xx


Posted by LinkTCOne - August 10th, 2015

Bam! It's done, this was a fun one to work on, I hope you guys enjoy it!


Posted by LinkTCOne - August 7th, 2015

Seeing as I'm only a few days away from finishing this horror animation, I had the following epiphany:

Why not submit this film now, and choose one two-sentence horror story and turn that into a full animation for Spooktacular 2015. So I'm doing that, with the following story:

Yesterday my parents told me I was too old for an imaginary friend and that I had to let her go. They found her body this morning.


Which is probably the creepiest thing I've ever read, and I think I can manage it by the Spooktacular. Exciting stuff! One more short animation to go for this film, might even be live by the weekend! Who knows!


Big love xx


Posted by LinkTCOne - August 5th, 2015

Client work will probably get in the way of my horror animation this and next week, so to tide you guys over, here's a quick gif from the development process.


Big love xx



I'm thinking of adding a few more scenes into the film too, now that I've realised that only one of the three stories so far will be above five or six seconds, hopefully it'll stand a better chance in the Spooktacular if it's a little longer too!


I've made a forum post asking for contributors:
